Part 34: Chapter 11-2: Dimension World
Chapter 11-2: Dimension World
Well, everyone, now that we've gotten the quests taken care of, it's time to explore the Dimension World proper. Fortunately, it's about as short as Testament back on B10; the only exception is, there's more room to navigate, so encounters are fairly easy to avoid.
Let's meet the last of our new friends, shall we?
(Holy crap that new battle music is intense)
Do you remember Smiley's Shop? Back on B1? It would spawn four Maelifics if you stole from it. Well, now they've become a semi-regular encounter.
In comparison to their palette-swapped predecessors, Maelifics are physically weaker than Greater Demons. However, they have much more magic power, and will usually try to cast Megadeth on the party.
Believe it or not, this makes Maelifics easier to defeat than Greater Demons. If you Spell Cancel every turn, they're incapable of hurting you except for their weak melee attacks. I've never fought more than one Maelific per encounter, and they have never been accompanied by henchmen, so...
...Enjoy your ridiculously easy, lucrative experience. I wish these guys weren't so uncommon.
I hope you enjoyed fighting the Vampire Lord on B8, because he's a regular encounter now! If he's in the back row, he'll probably throw Jakuld at your party for immense damage. If he's in the front row, he'll either still use Jakuld or start draining levels. Either prospect is horrible. So, if you don't have the necessary tools to deflect his powers (Spell Cancel if he's in back and Restrict Shot if he's in front) then you're better off fleeing.
There's a pretty sweet trick you can do with the Spell Sword AA, however, if you want to risk it:
Basically, the Merciful spell will kill an undead instantly if it hits. Since Vampire Lords are one of many enemies that resists nearly every spell, it won't work unless you pierce that resistance with Spell Sword. If it works (About 70% of the time), you don't have to worry about the Vampire Lord anymore! You can do the same thing with Megadeth and normal enemies, I suppose, but unboosted it'll only do about 250-350 damage.
Fortunately, if you max out your trust level...
...You gain access to three new AAs, one of which is the best in the game.
Warp Attack, which Orphe taught us upon joining on B6, is hands-down the best Allied Action in the game. It uses up your entire front row and one caster in back, but in exchange you're practically invincible against 90% of enemies in the game.
Basically, the spellcaster creates a portal that teleports your entire front row off the battlefield for the round. Any attacks that would normally have targeted them, including spells, automatically miss and waste the enemy's turn. Then, at the end of the round, the front row re-appears and attacks one enemy for full, unblockable damage!
Worried about your back row? Don't be. Unless the enemy is flying, they can't target your rear party members with normal attacks. And, since two of your people are still free, you can either have them use magic of your choice or Spell Cancel your enemies (Remember, at max trust you can cancel two enemies instead of one). Even Greater Demons and Vampire Lords have no way of countering this AA.
I guess I should talk about the other two as well... First up we have Ninja Attack.
Ninja Attack, as the name and diagram imply, requires a ninja in your front row. It increases their attack power and sharply increases their chance for a critical hit, meaning you have a pretty good shot at instantly killing whatever enemy you target. It's not bad, I guess, but it lacks the versatility of Warp Attack.
Sacred Cross is a slightly improved version of Dispel, so there's nothing new to show there.
I've also included an example of Crisscross in action. It's hilarious to watch, and very rarely does incredible damage. Check it out:
I did some massive leveling, too. Watch this:
Not bad, eh?
Finally, a few new items...
This might've been more useful if it had better stats, since Vampires and Vampire Lords are running around the area. Sadly, the best prevention for energy drain is not getting hit at all.
Creates the Valhalla Spell, which is really weird. In exchange for losing an experience level, the spellcaster gets a few odd choices such as reviving the entire party or demolishing the enemy.
I don't think I've ever seen a useful hand axe. Have you?
Same with battle axes... really, axes in general seem to be a mistake.
Go cry emo katana.
You know what else can kill enemies? Spells.
Still not getting it.
Oh come on. You aren't even trying now.
There we go! I have a thief, so this is actually a long-awaited upgrade for Rui's Magic Crossbow.
Also a good replacement ranged weapon. This one goes to Sara.
This would be awesome on anybody in the front row, but I gave it to Hina.
Three attacks? Enjoy, Kulgan!
I have a feeling Sophia would kill us if we did. Considering we're already dead, that's an even more unpleasant prospect.
I haven't been very good about following up with Gotz's traps, but this is the fifth and final prize set you can get from him. It requires you to disarm a trap fifty times in a row. I figured you guys didn't want to watch me button-mash for that long, so I didn't put it on video. From lowest to highest, you can also get a set of transfer potions, healing potions, a curing potion, and a dwarf battle axe. This is probably the only useful prize, though, since it skips the necessity of waiting for random flukes on a red moon during magic stone creation.
Okay, enough screwing around. Let's get back to the Dimension World. Upon first entering...

- You finally made it.
There stood the White-Haired Swordsman, long thought to have disappeared.
The same Swordsman who taught you the Allied Actions was standing in front of you, in the form of a ghost.

- The many experiences you went through made your soul strong. I can tell just by looking at you.
You feel familiarity coming from his expression.

- What you saw in the crystal is all truth. Of the town, they say Duhan was erased from the face of the earth by the Flash. The land of the Undead... This wasteland became a graveyard where the dead gather.

- But the tragedy didn't end there... The tragedy of this dilapidated town was just made so it couldn't see the truth. The people began thinking. They thought that there could be nothing worse. The death caused by the Flash... froze the people into eternal darkness without even letting them accept the fact that they were already dead...

- I was not an exception. Until I stood in front of those crystals, I never imagined that I had been given false life. But truth took a more tragic form to appear before me.
The Swordsman choked on his words. Those words were filled with bitter memories.

- As I stood in front of the dimensional door, despair awaited me. Then God sent you. I wasn't able to reach the King of Darkness, but you can. Because you are me; the me who is not held down by the chains of the past. God, who heard my voice of despair... took part of my soul and created a new me with it. Not how I am now, my soul wounded and rotting... But as a strong and healthy soul.

- By now you should know what you are to do. Sever the chains of evil holding down this town. And put an end to your own cursed fate.
So we're the Swordsman's past self...? Or something? I'm not sure what this means, but I don't think it comes up any more, so eh. At least we kick ass, right?
Thankfully, the Dimension World is simple to navigate, even without the Maps spell giving any useful information. From where you enter, you have to start falling down the center pit, going down a level each time, until you hit a solid 2x2 block of teleporters. It doesn't matter which one you land on, because they all take you up to the top tier of the level. From there, you have a choice of two 1x2 teleporters on the west and east sides of the platform. Only the south-east teleporter will advance you, but it takes you directly to the end of the level, so... not a long level at all.
On the top platform, just in front of the eastern teleporters...
There were two familiar faces...... LeDua and the Queen, no, Homunculus.

- By opening the door to this dimension, I am able to materialize here.
LeDua took a deep breath.

- I have been waiting for this moment. Waiting, gathering adventurers...... Waiting for the one who could pull out the sword of the Queen's Guards. This time, I will get back Otelier. Otelier will resurrect as a perfect human!
Homunculus smiled, absorbing LeDua's words.

- I won't have to eat dragon hearts anymore. I can be by LeDua's side as a human, as the Queen.
Kulgan started yelling in spite of himself.

- What good will it do to resurrect a fake Queen to this fake Duhan!! You should know what Her Majesty wishes for!! You're the one who understood Her Majesty more than anyone else, weren't you!? So why are you......!!
LeDua's eyes looked even sharper.

- I will not accept that Her Majesty's wish is to be free... that is, death! Even if it is all fake, I cannot erase the Duhan Her Majesty loved! For the sake of Her Majesty, I cannot accept the truth I learned from the crystals! For that reason, I have wasted many lives in this Labyrinth... For that reason, I have preserved Otelier's beautiful "body"!!

- So that's why you were afraid of us getting close to the crystals... You knew that knowing the truth, we would walk a different path than you......!!

- You and I...... Our paths shall never cross... But the path has led me to this dimension. Fate is on my side.
LeDua gave a quick smile. It was a grin of insanity.

- Do not get in my way. I will protect Duhan and Her Highness in my own way......!!
LeDua and Homunculus disappeared into emptiness...
And we soon follow.
The teleporter brings us here. Directly behind us is another teleporter which returns us to the entrance of the level.
A short walk takes us to this enormous chamber, where our faithful party members must resolve their fears and re-affirm their trust in Sagoon.

- I guess I was thinking that all along. I longed for the bond of trust called friendship. I wanted something that I could risk my life for. I was probably waiting as a skeleton in a field with thick grass... For you to show up.
Ricardo smiled after he said that. It was an innocent smile that a child would give.

- Remember the past. You were the beginning. You might've had a different purpose, but... You saved everyone without knowing it. I am grateful for being able to meet you. It was fun.

- I've now said what I wanted to. I have nothing to regret now. Let's take care of our last job!

- I, a living corpse who has lost his pride, have come this far. It was all thanks to you. Through this adventure, I learned true bravery is born only when one has people to protect.

- I wonder how many people die without any regrets. I was lucky... If I did not meet you, I would have just rotted away at that altar. It is only now that I can see that. I could see myself dying regretfully in despair and unable to make up for lost time. I know it is a little late, but I would like to say my thanks here.
After speaking, Kyo bowed his head in deep gratitude.

- If I am unable to see you after this battle... my soul will never forget what you have done for me. Shall we go now?

- ... and working at the Temple to help those in need. That was supposed to have been my goal and dream in life.

- But, that's not it. Living means that somewhere, someone is being saved. I can help others even if I didn't become a priestess, deep down in this Labyrinth. We are incapable of living in this world alone.
Memories came and went in Sara's mind.
The first time you met...
The many battles against monsters...
The various events that awaited the party...
She recalled her memories as they faded away one after another.

- If... if my soul were to be lost... I have no regrets...
Sara had a cheerful look on her face when she turned around.

- God may scold me for this, but if there is one thing I regret... It's that I didn't meet you before the Flash. Thank you, for all the good times.

- You're asking me what I'm talking about?
Rui pointed her finger at you.

- Of course, I'm talking about you. If you didn't show up, all of us would've been... We would still be walking around in the eternity of darkness. Although I don't show it well, I AM grateful. I'm sure the townspeople are, too...

- So, don't worry even if my soul is lost in this battle. Sis Rui will make sure to... steal a one-way ticket to Heaven just for you.
Rui gave you a mischievous wink after saying that.

- Well, it's our final duty! All I need to take is his life. And I'm damn ready for it!
Daniel sighed deeply after he spoke.

- We've been dead all this time. I feel like I've been really cheated... That means all the money and treasures are worthless.
Daniel took out a dice from his pocket and flung it into the air. Daniel caught the falling dice with a meek look and slowly opened his hand.

- Whoa! Check this out! I still have my luck!
The dice showed a "1".

- I guess that means Meesha's still alive. Hehe, goody goody.
Daniel smiled happily and stuck the dice back into his pocket.

- Meesha's a cat, my buddy. I was worried that she might've died 'cuz I haven't seen her in a while. Now, I can go on without any regrets. We should go kick that cheatin' god's ass pretty soon! It's time to pay back all that he's robbed of the people of Duhan.

- How precious the days we lived were... The fun, heart-warming days, the impossible dreams, even the painful, bitter things. We cannot regain them...

- It is so funny. Back then I had no feelings of gratefulness whatsoever, yet now, any and all of my memories shine brightly.

- Let us go. The detestful creature who has stolen everything from us must pay the price of the people's memories.

- ...before they could even reminisce or regret... But the curse of that madman didn't stop there... The true terror never appears on the surface. Just like you and me. Those who died with regret appear before us.

- What lies ahead for us, we who are cursed with undead life? Eternal darkness? Or is there a saviour......?

- So be it. Let us finish this horrible incident.
Orphe whispered those words softly with her head down.

- This world is mysterious. Since that ominous Flash, there weren't suppose dot be any memorable days. And yet, when I recall the faces of you and Aoba, why is it that I feel sadness? Is it because I know that I cannot bring back those joyful times?
Orphe, unlike her usual self, stood with a gentle look.

- Would you laugh if I said I wanted to apologize? I was full of remorse when I learned of my father's death. I was in torment at the fact that I would never be able to convey my thoughts to him. I never want to experience that feeling ever again.
Orphe hung her head low from her guilt.

- Please forgive me for all the impoliteness I've shown to you. And would you promise me that you will survive?

- Now, let's end this act of tragedy. The souls in the sky will be the witnesses of our fight. Let's inform that ominous god of his end.

- ...for me to exist in this world, does it mean that I may have some kind of attachment to this world? Well, unless you are God, I'm sure anybody would have one or two things that were unfinished. Thinking back, I didn't live a very fruitful life... So, maybe somewhere deep in my heart, I wanted to repay Orphe's father somehow.
Aoba stopped speaking and stared down at the ground as if he just thought of something.
And, as if he decided on something to say, he retied his topknot and dusted off his clothes.

- I will do my best so that nobody will mock me in the afterlife. Shall we begin our avenging battle for the people of Duhan?

- If I could, I would never want to use this power of destruction. But, I am thankful now that I have the power to destroy that god.
Hina looked straight into your eyes.

- You have taught me... the importance of being optimistic even in times of despair. Your way of life has given me the courage to fight.

- I will no longer be afraid. I will never look back! No matter what hardships await you in the present, you must awaken from your dream. There is no true happiness in a fabricated life.

- I... will choose to fight beside you than to be influenced by a nightmare. I do not want to be a disgrace. Let us fall gallantly.
With the color of determination in Hina's beautiful eyes, she smiled proudly.

- Now, let us sever this chain of tragedies. To this sinister god, a strike of justice...!!

- There is no need to fear, even if the enemy is colossal. Justice is on our side! The one left standing will not be the enemy, but us... Then... Then finally Duhan will truly be saved.
Grace stopped talking. She was thinking of Eugene's last, and her expression became clouded.

- Since that Flash, we have been forsaken... We have been thrown into the darkness, where light can no longer reach.

- If that is God's will, then so be it! We shall merely snatch victory with our own hands!

- How sorrowful. Peace, man, peace. Then I'll be so bored, I'll go crazy. Oh, I got it! How's about it? Why don't you become the badguy this time? That way, I won't have to retire.

- Aww, what the hell! This is the perfect opponent to go apeshit on. I can't complain. Now, I'm gonna get it on like there's no tomorrow!

- I went through all that, and there's no treasure to be found. And in the end, here I am in this eerie place, playing a defender of justice. I can't help but feel like I've become an idiot. This has gotta be my biggest insult.
Virgo started to get angry over the chain of events that changed her fate.

- There are two things I hate: being made a fool, and being fooled! We've all been dead since the Flash?

- Hmph! I don't give a damn about that! I'm just pissed that he's been treating us like clowns! I'm getting really pissed just talking about it......

- Now let's just go and finish this stupid damned farce. Listen up, Sagoon, you better show a fight or else!
Kulgan quietly closed his eyes.

- If I had believed in you, would this tragedy have come about? If I knew the truth, could this have been avoided......?

- Heh, this is not like me. All I can think of is regret. If we cannot change the past, then we must change the future. That is why I'm alive.

- I will apologize to you...... after everything is done. After we defeat this fiend and free all the souls, I will make it up to you as a friend.
Kulgan smiled awkwardly.

- So, Sagoon... If you want an apology from me, win this battle. Now, this is the Queen's Guard's final battle. To all Her Majesties, and all the spirits of the Queen's Guards: Be our witness! Behold this, the last battle of the Queen's Guards, Sagoon and Kulgan......!!

- Under the name of the Queen's Guards, we shall save Queen Otelier's soul!
Bu'Shin awaits, everyone. Next update, the final confrontation.
Spell Sword -
Warp Attack -
Ninja Attack -
Crisscross -
The Truth -
Final Words (Ricardo, Kyo, Sara, Rui, and Daniel) -
Final Words (Michele, Orphe, Aoba, Kaza, and Virgo) -
Final Words (Hina, Grace, Wolfe, and Kulgan) -